Ronald Walsh McLean: Jimmy Stewart’s Stepson and Heroic Marine in Vietnam

The name Jimmy Stewart is synonymous with Hollywood’s golden age, starring in timeless classics like It’s a Wonderful Life and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. However, fewer people know about the personal tragedy Stewart faced when his stepson, Ronald McLean, was killed in action during the Vietnam War. Ronald McLean was not just the son of a Hollywood star; he was a brave U.S. Marine who gave his life for his country at the young age of 24.

In this current post, we will find out more about the life of Ronald McLean and his Vietnam War service—and how it shook up the lives of his family members—most notably Hollywood superstar stepfather Jimmy Stewart. We discuss this larger story of the Vietnam War and how it very much impacted Ronald McLean in his courageous legacy.

Ronald McLean Life and Family

Background and early lifeRonald Walsh McLean was born on 19 June, 1944 in Aspen, Colorado. His mother, Gloria Hatrick McLean was born into wealth and his father Edward Beale McLean Jr. involved himself with the prominent sets also. His mother re-married to one of the most famous leading men in American history, with Jimmy Stewart only 41 years when his parents divorced and Gloria remarried him in Nevada on August third; leaving Ronald a five-year old boy.

Ronald was raised in one of the most interesting homes. In addition to having a Hollywood big-shot stepfather, Jimmy Stewart was a decorated World War II pilot who flew dozens of combat missions as part of the U.S. Army Air Corps. The marriage of…celebrity and military heroics…to the impressionable young Ronald shaped his thinking in ways that would eventually ignite a desire to become part of history by joining The US Marine Corp.

Becoming Jimmy Stewart’s Stepson

Gloria and Jimmy Stewart ,When Gloria Hatrick married actor-director Frank Fay, Ronald Colman and his younger sister Judy were part of a restructured family. The Stewarts may have lived in Hollywood — where ambition grew, quite often as the morphing standby for talent—that can-do city of illusion with its endless razzle-dazzles glints— but they themselves were just folks. For the uninitiated, Jimmy Stewart was much more than a movie star; he was an Air Force legend and father of all fathers. She respectfully donned the name of father to Ronald and Judy (from his famous stepdad, with whom she spent her formative years reading) by Stewart.

The military was a family tradition, and he drew much of his dedication from what he learned from following in the footsteps of his father. The war he remembers his father talked about at the dinner table, it made Ronald Stewart more grateful for what American servicemen like him have done in this country.

Growing Up in the Stewart Household

The icon from Hollywood he lived with was hardly typical, but Ronald Kennedy grew up in a household infused as much by that dogged determination and patriotism which made Stewart unforgettable on celluloid. His wife Elsie Stewart, was sweet and qiet gentle spirit with moral character planted by God in the heart of his being,) And likewisehis offspring. implementallyRonalddeaux!!

Notably, Ronald was extremely moved by the war record of Jimmy Stewart. To a young Ronald, that made his stepfather a hero — he was as much an inspiration to him then. That high regard is what would instill in Ronald the impulse that led him to join the Marines.

Ronald McLean’s Decision to Serve

When the Vietnam War heated up in 1960s, Ronald McLean felt compelled to protect his country. He graduated college in 1967 and joined the U.S. Marine Corps, as his stepfather had done — going down a route of military service like so many administrators before him. He wanted to make a different, even as the Vietnam conflict in which his country was fully involved became a street theater controversy first of all only at home.

He could have led a life of celebrity and ease, but Ronald was devoted to his chosen profession. His family, especially Jimmy Stewart realized the weight of his duty and fully supported this decision.


Vietnam War: A Conflict That Defined a Generation

The Vietnam War was one of the most complex, controversial and polarizing events in American history. To the young men that fought it, a war of bravery and boldness in terms of gaming. Mr McLean was one of the many brave men who heeded His Majesty’s call at a time when war became, is still and had been since then even more so far from being surely but safely outmoded.

When the came he arrived in Vietnam, it was a critical situation- war. At the time, Quang Tri Province, Ronald’s base in Vietnam was a major battleground and there were many engagements with enemy forces.

Deployment to Quang Tri Province

Pvt. Ronald McLean was a member of the 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion, 3rd Marine Divison Quang Tri was province near the border with North Vietnam and very active. Ronald led his men into and through some of the bloodiest infantry conditions as they were a company A, 2nd Platoon leader.

The going proved tough, the enemy unyielding — U.S. forces were under tremendous pressure. But one leader in particular, Ronald McLean distinguished himself and quickly gained the respect of his fellow Marines.

The Heroic Actions of June 8, 1969

The full challenge to Ronald McLean’s courage and leadership came on June 8, 1969. On October 11, while commanding a six-man reconnaissance patrol outside the Vandegrift Combat Base to northwest and his team was ambushed there by North Vietnamese forces. As enemy soldiers advanced on their position, the situation appeared to be growing increasingly desperate.

Ronald returned fire with his M-79 grenade launcher, expertly killing many enemy soldiers in the process. His heroism allowed his squad to rally and form a base of fire. Nevertheless — the enemy was not through and a second wave of attackers surged toward the Marines. Ronald pressed on and killed several more enemy soldiers then helped treat the wounded.

However, in an attempt to help one of his fellow marines Ronald was sadly shot dead. His selfless actions saved the lives of his own marines, but they cost him in return.

Silver Star Citation: Honoring Ronald McLean’s Bravery

For his extraordinary bravery on the battlefield, Ronald McLean was posthumously awarded the Silver Star, one of the highest honors given for gallantry in combat. His Silver Star citation reads like a tribute to a man who embodied the very essence of heroism.

It highlights how Ronald, “completely disregarding his own safety,” exposed himself to hostile fire to save others. His actions directly resulted in the deaths of eight enemy soldiers, and his leadership under pressure helped his team survive a deadly encounter.

The Aftermath of His Sacrifice

Ronald McLean’s death was a devastating loss for his family, friends, and fellow Marines. He was a promising young leader, admired by those who served under him. His bravery on that fateful day in Vietnam resonated deeply with those who knew him, and he was remembered as a hero who made the ultimate sacrifice for his country.

Jimmy Stewart’s Reaction to His Stepson’s Death

The loss of Ronald hit Jimmy Stewart hard. Having served in World War II, Stewart understood the harsh realities of war, but losing his stepson was an unimaginable tragedy. In public, Stewart maintained his composure, continuing to support the U.S. military and speaking with dignity about Ronald’s sacrifice. However, in private, Stewart was heartbroken, as anyone who has lost a loved one in war can understand.

A Family’s Grief: The Impact on Gloria Hatrick Stewart

For Ronald’s mother, Gloria Hatrick Stewart, the loss was immeasurable. Ronald was her firstborn, and his death left a permanent void in her life. The Stewart family, though surrounded by fame and fortune, felt the same pain as any family who loses a child to war. Gloria, Jimmy, and Ronald’s siblings grieved deeply, but they also took pride in Ronald’s bravery and service.

The Burial and Memorialization of Ronald McLean

Ronald McLean was laid to rest at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, California, a place where many famous and influential figures are buried. His grave is a reminder of the sacrifices made by so many young Americans during the Vietnam War. Ronald is remembered not just for his connection to Jimmy Stewart, but as a hero in his own right.

The Legacy of Jimmy Stewart’s Stepson in Vietnam

Ronald McLean’s story is one that resonates with many who served in Vietnam or lost loved ones during the conflict. His sacrifice represents the countless young men who gave their lives in a war that shaped a generation. By telling Ronald’s story, we honor all those who served and sacrificed in Vietnam.

Ronald McLean’s Influence on Public Memory of Vietnam

The fact that Ronald was Jimmy Stewart’s stepson helped to bring more attention to his story and the sacrifices made by so many families during the Vietnam War. Stewart’s celebrity status didn’t shield him from the pain of loss, and his family’s grief helped to humanize the broader narrative of the Vietnam conflict. Ronald’s story remains a poignant reminder that war touches everyone, regardless of status or fame.

Honoring Vietnam War Heroes Like Ronald McLean

Remembering Vietnam veterans like Ronald McLean is crucial. The Vietnam War was a difficult and divisive chapter in American history, but the bravery and sacrifice of those who fought must never be forgotten. Ronald’s legacy reminds us of the importance of honoring all who served in Vietnam, ensuring their stories live on.

Lessons Learned from Ronald McLean’s Life

Ronald McLean’s life was one of service, sacrifice, and dedication. His decision to serve in Vietnam, despite the dangers, speaks to his character and his commitment to his country. As we reflect on his life, we are reminded of the timeless values of courage, loyalty, and the willingness to put others before oneself.

Jimmy Stewart’s Continued Support for Veterans

Even after Ronald’s death, Jimmy Stewart remained a staunch supporter of veterans and military causes. Having experienced the loss of his stepson, Stewart’s advocacy for military families grew stronger. He understood the pain of loss and the pride of service, and he continued to honor veterans through his public appearances and charitable efforts.

Ronald McLean in the Eyes of His Peers

Ronald was respected by his fellow Marines, many of whom looked up to him as a leader. He was known for his calm demeanor under pressure and his commitment to protecting his team. Those who served alongside him remembered him as a brave and selfless leader who always put his men first.


Ronald McLean may have been the stepson of a Hollywood icon, but his legacy is far greater than his connection to Jimmy Stewart. He was a courageous Marine who gave his life in service to his country during one of the most difficult conflicts in American history. His story is a testament to the bravery and sacrifice of Vietnam War veterans, and it serves as a reminder that the cost of freedom is often paid in the lives of the young and the brave.

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