The Magic of the Blarney Stone: Why You Kiss It Upside Down

Ireland is a land of many interesting traditions but the one that captures the eyes is the one of Kissing the Blarney Stone. This activity occurs annually at Blarney Castle in County Cork and is much more than a mere stone kissing activity; it is more about the manner of Kavirin.Kissing the stone on the Blarney Castle is one thing but why is the Blarney Stone kissed upside down? This is a question that has occupied the minds of visitors of the place for hundreds of years. The customs of the place have become more unconventional for western tourists, let’s find out Blarney Stone kiss.

What Is the Blarney Stone?

Let us begin with an introduction of the of the said stone which is quite known. What is a Blarney Stone, anyway? A Blarney Stone is a piece of limestone that is part of the walls of Blarney Castle.. This is not just any old stone; it is considered an integral part of the Oranization of Irish culture that is endowed upon the person that kisses it the ability to speak well that is, to have the “gift of gab”. The main characteristic that sets the stone apart, however, is its other cited uniqueness: the fact that you have to kiss it upside down as a demonstration of the Gorse bush and security slope.

What Does the Blarney Stone Look Like?

You may ask yourself, well, what does the Blarney Stone look like? The Blarney stone, smooth, gray limestone block the size of a large brick, is embedded in the wall of the castle. So this stone is nothing exciting to behold. What makes it special is where it is located, on the walls of an old castle, high up on the battlements. Tradition has it that this stone is to be found supportive of the resting green landscapes of County Cork, one would relate it to the present-day significance of the Irish culture and their ancestry.

The Legend and History Behind the Blarney Stone

The Blarney Stone has many legendary backgrounds. As one of these recurrent stories goes, Cormac Laidir MacCarthy builder of the Castle Blarney resided under the advice of a goddess who told him to kiss the stone and in doing so bestowed him with the gift of persuasion. This gift became handy in getting over intricacies in the political arena and hence the stone was nicknamed as the stone of the ‘gift of the gab.’

But howabout the significance of the upside down angle in the process of carrying out this ritual? To appreciate this, it is imperative to examine the position of the stone. The stone of Blarney is located high up into the strange castle turret, and as the years flew by, it was the custom to kiss the stone as an act of bending over backwards in reverence. It is thus, the kissing of the blarney stone inverted became an accepted norm in the Irish customs.

Why Do You Kiss the Blarney Stone Upside Down?

So, why do you kiss the Blarney Stone upside down? The topmost reason pertains to the position of the stone in the castle. Situated on the high battlements, the stone is out of reach and thus, to reach the stone, visitors are made to recline on the rails with iron grapples and kiss the stone. This action depicts the extremes people are willing to go, or rather the extent to which one is willing to put oneself out there in order to get kissed by the stone.

Learning how to best kiss a Blarney Stone — that bestows on you eloquent speaking skills and treatment — is equally regarded as a rite of passage and has made the so-called culinary Sash-wearing such a terrifying, if not purely sporting, pastime as a visit to the institution in its original capacity. Blarney Stone is known for more than simply attracting visitors or tourists; the orientation kiss has been absorbed as a dramatic twist in the ‘Blarney’ unbearably fused aria.

How to Kiss the Blarney Stone

Kiss the Blarney Stone
In case you are planning to travel and wish to join in this Orthodox practice, here is how you can kiss the Blarney Stone properly and without a hitch:
  1. Climb the Castle: The adventure begins as one ascends a cramped and winding staircase which takes one to the top of the Blarney Castle.

  2. Get into Position: Along the wall, Blarney stone can be located at the top. All of the railing should be held, with the hand over the back and the head over the rail, while lying down.

  3. Kiss the Stone: Towards the edge of the land, extend into the attacked stone with lips kissing it. It is quite a stretch but that is the point and the enjoyment of it!

  4. Enjoy the Moment: After kissing the Blarney Stone, it is now time to notice the breathtaking views of the area as well as awareness that it actually has been a part of hanging around activity for centuries.

Beyond the Stone: What Else to See at Blarney Castle

Although the Blarney Stone holds the most significance, the area surrounding the castle has much more to offer. Some of them include:

  • The Murder Hole: The room directly above the entrance to the castle is regrettably called whom no murder has ever taken place. Rather it served as the defense where the guards would drop pebbles and liquefied variety when attacked.
  • The Witch’s Kitchen: This strange rock shape that looks like a kitchen is said to be where the witch of the blarney stone legend dwells. If you get up in the morning and are early to visit the kitchen, the remnants of her last fire burning will probably be seen.
  • Herbaceous Border: This beautiful garden is another attraction that one should not miss during summer when the flowers bloom gracefully creating a soothing environment. It is a perfect place to rest and enjoy the scenery of nature.
  • The Poison Garden: For those who are interested, the Poison Garden showcases poisonous plants. This one is both interesting and informative, with more than 70 such plants grown within. Just be careful to heed the warning and do not touch!
  • Blarney House: This delightful building is some distance from the castle and group tours are available in summer. It provides a stunning mixture of modern life and history, since it is still the home of the Colthurst family.

Useful Recommendations For Travelers To Blarney Castle

For any visitors out there heading to Blarney Castle, here are a few tips before you leave for your trip:

  • Avoid Queuing: The castle is usually packed with tourists so it is advisable to go and tour the grounds early in the morning.
  • Be Prepared For Walking: The castle has some spiral staircases, as such people are required to have solid footwear with good grip.
  • Take Care not to be Stuck: The stairways can feel very low and suffocating especially when there are too many people on them. If you sweat at the thought of closed spaces, be on your guard and understand that you may be trodden on.
  • Plan to Withdraw Cash: Even though one is not charged a lot to buy a ticket to enter the castle ( eg Euros 20 for an adult, Euros 16 for Senior citizens and students, Children are charged Euros 9), it is wise to always carry some little cash for using when purchasing small items.
  • Inquire About Some Activities: Blarney Castle is the site of the usual special activities which will allow you in some areas of the grounds that are almost always closed to visitors.
  • Remember to Take Photographs: Do remember to carry a camera with you. The views that are seen on the castle’s top are mesmerizing, and chances are you also might want to immortalize your experience on this enchanting journey.

The Experience of Kissing the Stone in Ireland

While participating in the Irish activity of kissing the stone, it is not all about the kiss, it’s more about the feeling involved. The experience ranges from the wee vertical ladders in the make shift Blarney Castle to the backward slouch out of the crevice of the wall, it’s one that involves history, culture and a bit of excitement. By the time you’re kissing the Blarney Stone, you’re already doing more than just following the ritual; you’re already drinking from the fountain of history and you are among the millions that have kissed the stone. This is a moment most visitors will find exciting and plenty of it truly memorable.

Best Places in Cork to Spend a Night

For those wishing to stay in the vicinity of the Blarney Castle, these high rated B&Bs in Cork will come in handy:

  • Flemings Country House: A lovely B&B with comfortable accommodations and a friendly Irish touch.
  • Maranatha Country House: Famous for its floral displays, gardens, and peaceful atmosphere, ideal for unwinding after an excursion.
  • The Kingsley Hotel: A contemporary alternative with every necessary facility which is also conveniently located and just minutes away from the castle.

Other Must-See Attractions in Ireland

However, during your stay in Ireland, you need to take the chance of viewing these other fantastic features also:

  • Cliffs of Moher: It is one of the most popular characteristics of the geography of Ireland and shows views of the Atlantic ocean.
  • Giant’s Causeway: This is a natural heritage site under UNESCO with a hexagonal and cylindrical structure.
  • Ring of Kerry: This is a popular and scenic drive with picturesque sceneries in all directions provided by the mountains and valleys of central and southwestern Ireland.
  • The Book of Kells: It is part of the chapel of Trinity College Dublin and this book is an example of a classical medieval manuscript.

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